Submissions from 2003
Tolls on the Information Superhighway: Entitlement Defaults for Clickstream Data, Lee B. Kovarsky
First Amendment Law: Cases, Comparative Perspectives, and Dialogues, Donald E. Lively, William D. Araiza, Phoebe A. Haddon, John Knechtle, and Dorothy E. Roberts
American Probate: Protecting the Public, Improving the Process, Paula A. Monopoli
Symposium: Title IX: Women, Athletics and the Law - Foreword, Paula A. Monopoli
Title IX: Women, Athletics and the Law, Paula A. Monopoli
You Can't Ask (or Say) That: The First Amendment and Civil Rights Restrictions on Decisionmaker Speech, Helen L. Norton
The Frictions of Federalism: The Rise and Fall of the Federal Common Law of Interstate Nuisance, Robert V. Percival
Judicial Process in a Nutshell, William L. Reynolds
Cases and Materials on the Law of Torts, 4th edition, Harry Shulman, Fleming James, Oscar S. Gray, and Donald G. Gifford
A Beautiful Mend: A Game Theoretical Analysis of the Dormant Commerce Clause Doctrine, Maxwell L. Stearns
Appellate Courts Inside and Out, Maxwell L. Stearns
A Private-Rights Standing Model to Promote Public-Regarding Behaviour by Government Owned Corporations, Maxwell L. Stearns
"Democracies Die Behind Closed Doors": The Homeland Security Act and Corporate Accountability, Rena I. Steinzor
Navigating Uncharted Waters: Intellectual Property Rights Surrounding Genomics Research & Development Information, Lawrence M. Sung
Is It Ever too Late for Innocence? Finality, Efficiency, and Claims of Innocence, George C. Thomas, Gordon G. Young, Keith Sharfman, and Kate B. Briscoe
Anonymous Speech and Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code, Donald B. Tobin
Women Law Journals in the New Millennium: How Far Have They Evolved? and Are They Still Necessary?, Katherine L. Vaughns
Women of Color in Law Teaching: Shared Identities, Different Experiences, Katherine L. Vaughns
Conflict of Laws: Cases, Materials and Problems, David H. Vernon, Louise Weinberg, William L. Reynolds, and William M. Richman
Medical Treatment of Children with HIV Illness and the Need for Supportive Intervention: the Challenges of Medical Providers, Families and the State, Deborah J. Weimer
Federal Maritime Commission v. South Carolina State Ports Authority: Small Iceberg or Just the Tip?, Gordon G. Young
Submissions from 2002
The Black Side of the Mirror: The Black Body in the Workplace, Taunya Lovell Banks
Community Development: A New Tool for Strengthening Urban Neighborhoods, Brenda Bratton Blom and Robert B. Inerfeld
Public Education as Public Space: Some Reflections on the Unfinished Work of Marc Feldman, Richard C. Boldt
The Adversary System and Attorney Role in the Drug Treatment Court Movement, Richard C. Boldt
Form and Function in Business Organizations, Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
Making Economic Sense Out of Unisex Life Insurance (Or the Difference Between Cost and Value and Why It Matters to Real People), Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
Lurking in the Shadows of Judicial Process: Special Masters in the Supreme Court's Original Jurisdiction Cases, Anne-Marie Carstens
In Memoriam: John M. Brumbaugh, Howard S. Chasanow, Frederic N. Smalkin, Susan Leviton, Tanya Washington, Edward S. Abrams, and Alan D. Hornstein
Broadening Scholarship: Embracing Law Reform and Justice, Douglas L. Colbert
Do Attorneys Really Matter? The Empirical and Legal Case for the Right of Counsel at Bail, Douglas L. Colbert, Raymond Paternoster, and Shawn Bushway
Parents, Children, and Work-First Welfare Reform: Where is the C in TANF?, Karen Syma Czapanskiy
External Monitoring and the International Protection of Freedom of Religion or Belief, Peter G. Danchin
Religion, Religious Minorities and Human Rights: an Introduction, Peter G. Danchin
U.S. Unilateralism and the International Protection of Religious Freedom: The Multilateral Alternative, Peter G. Danchin
Protecting the Human Rights of Religious Minorities in Eastern Europe, Peter G. Danchin and Elizabeth A. Cole
The Evolving Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and the Protection of Religious Minorities, Peter G. Danchin and Lisa Forman
Love and Work: A Response to Vicki Schultz's Life's Work, Martha M. Ertman
Beyond Napster: Using Antitrust Law to Advance and Enhance Online Music Distribution, Matthew Fagin, Frank Pasquale, and Kim Weatherall
Doing Well While Doing Good: Reassessing the Scope of Directors' Fiduciary Obligations in For-Profit Corporations with Non-Shareholder Beneficiaries, Lisa M. Fairfax
Form over Substance?: Officer Certification and the Promise of Enhanced Personal Accountability under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Lisa M. Fairfax
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act as Confirmation of Recent Trends in Director and Officer Fiduciary Obligations, Lisa M. Fairfax
Choice of Entity for a Venture Capital Start-Up: The Myth of Incorporation, Daniel S. Goldberg
Parenting in the Face of Prejudice: The Need for Representation for Parents with Mental Illness, Leigh S. Goodmark
The Basics of Getting Started - Who, What, When, Where, and How?, Leigh S. Goodmark
Antebellum Perspectives on Free Speech, Mark A. Graber
Marbury versus Madison: Documents and Commentary, Mark A. Graber and Michael Perhac
Bad Science, Linda Greer and Rena I. Steinzor
Coalescing with SALT: A Taste for Inclusion, Phoebe A. Haddon
Evidence, Belief, and Action: The Failure of Equipoise to Resolve the Ethical Tension in the Randomized Clinical Trial, Deborah Hellman
Whose Duty is it Anyway?: The Kennedy Krieger Opinion and its Implications for Public Health Research, Diane E. Hoffmann and Karen H. Rothenberg
Do Appearances Matter?: Judicial Impartiality and the Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore, Sherrilyn A. Ifill
Road Warriors: Two Parents' Perspective on Getting Services for Children with Special Needs, Teresa K. LaMaster and John J. O'Brien
Children of Color with Mental Health Problems: Stuck in all the Wrong Places, Susan P. Leviton
Jlanli Zhongguo de Jianshe Luyue Baozheng Tixi [Establishing China's Construction Performance Bond System], Daniel J. Mitterhoff
Fiduciary Duty: A New Ethical Paradigm for Lawyer/Fiduciaries, Paula A. Monopoli
Two Concepts of Immortality: Reframing Public Debate on Stem-Cell Research, Frank Pasquale
Global Environmental Accountability: The Missing Link, Robert V. Percival
"Greening" the Constitution - Harmonizing Environmental and Constitutional Values, Robert V. Percival
Skeptical Environmentalist or Statistical Spin-Doctor?: Bjørn Lomborg and the Relationship Between Environmental Law and Environmental Progress, Robert V. Percival
Deconstructing the Slums of Baltimore, Garrett Power
Palazzolo v. Rhode Island: Takings, Investment-Backed Expectations, and Slander of Title, Garrett Power
Foreword: The Legal History of the Great Sit-In Case of Bell v. Maryland, William L. Reynolds
Understanding Conflict of Laws, William M. Richman and William L. Reynolds
Eulogy for Stan Herr, Karen H. Rothenberg
Before It's Too Late- Addressing Fear of Genetic Information, Karen H. Rothenberg and Sharon F. Terry
Free Speech Rationales After September 11th: The First Amendment in Post-World Trade Center America, Marin R. Scordato and Paula A. Monopoli
It's not all on the net: Identifying, preserving and protecting rare and unique federal documents, Bill Sleeman
Simple Fairness: Ending Discrimination in Health Insurance Coverage of Addiction Treatment, Sonja Starr
The Condorcet Jury Theorem and Judicial Decisionmaking: A Reply to Saul Levmore, Maxwell L. Stearns
Toward Better Bubbles and Future Lives: A Progressive Response to the Conservative Agenda for Reforming Environmental Law, Rena I. Steinzor
'You Just Don't Understand!" - The Right and Left in Conversation, Rena I. Steinzor
The Unplanned Obsolescence of American Legal Education, Rena I. Steinzor and Alan D. Hornstein
The Unblazed Trail: Bioinformatics and the Protection of Genetic Knowledge, Lawrence M. Sung
Language Matters: Designing State and County Contracts for Services Under Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Eileen Sweeney, Barbara L. Bezdek, Sharon Parrott, Carol W. Medaris, and Cary LaCheen
Campaign Finance Disclosure and Section 527 of the Code: A Look at the District Court's Opinion in National Federation of Republican Assemblies, Donald B. Tobin
The Costs of Legal Change, Michael P. Van Alstine
The Judicial Power and Treaty Delegation, Michael P. Van Alstine
Treaty Law and Legal Transition Costs, Michael P. Van Alstine
Submissions from 2001
Beyond Counting Votes: The Political Economy of Bush v. Gore, Michael Abramowicz and Maxwell L. Stearns
What is a Community? Group Rights and the Constitution: The Special Case of African Americans, Taunya Lovell Banks
What is a Community? Group Rights and The Constitution: The Special Case of African Americans, Taunya Lovell Banks
Contractual Welfare: Non-Accountability and Diminished Democracy in Local Government Contracts for Welfare-to-Work Services, Barbara L. Bezdek
Mathias de Sousa: Maryland's First Colonist of African Descent, David S. Bogen
Minority Discounts and Control Premiums in Appraisal Proceedings, Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
Book Review: Minorities' Claims: From Autonomy to Secession, International Law and State Practice, Maxwell O. Chibundu
Intervention, Imperialism and Kant's Categorical Imperative, Maxwell O. Chibundu
ALI Child Support Principles: A Lesson in Public Policy and Truth-Telling, Karen Czapanskiy
Clinical Legal Education: An Annotated Bibliography (second edition), Karen Czapanskiy and J. P. Ogilvy
Transitional Justice in Afghanistan : Confronting Violations of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law, Peter G. Danchin
The Office of Independent Counsel and the Fatal Flaw: "They Are Left to Twist in the Wind", Abraham Dash
The Office of Independent Counsel and the Fatal Flaw: "They are Left to Twist in the Wind", Abraham A. Dash
Changing the Meaning of Motherhood, Martha M. Ertman
Marriage as a Trade: Bridging the Private/Private Distinction, Martha M. Ertman
The ALI Principles' Approach to Domestic Partnership, Martha M. Ertman
"With Friends Like These ...": Toward a More Efficacious Response to Affinity-Based Securities and Investment Fraud, Lisa M. Fairfax
Social Democracy and Constitutional Theory: An Institutional Perspective, Mark A. Graber