Submissions from 1998
Restoring Positive Law and Economics: Introduction to Public Choice Theme Issue, Maxwell L. Stearns
Reinventing Environmental Regulation: Back to the Past by Way of the Future, Rena I. Steinzor
The Legislation of Unintended Consequences, Rena I. Steinzor
Reinventing Environmental Regulation Via the Government Performance and Results Act: Where's the Money?, Rena I. Steinzor and William F. Piermattei
Family Law: Cases, Materials, and Problems, Peter N. Swisher, Anthony Miller, and Jana B. Singer
Dynamic Treaty Interpretation, Michael P. Van Alstine
The Supreme Court 1997- 1998 Labor and Employment Law Term (Part II): The NLRA, Takings Clause, and ADA Cases, Marley S. Weiss
Submissions from 1997
Contested Terrains of Compensation: Equality, Affirmative Action and Diversity in the United States, Taunya L. Banks
Generally Applicable Laws and the First Amendment, David S. Bogen
The Religion Clauses and Freedom of Speech in Australia and the United States: Incidental Restrictions and Generally Applicable Laws, David S. Bogen
Fiduciary Duty, Contract, and Waiver in Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies, Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
Stockholders, Stakeholders, and Bagholders (or How Investor Diversification Affects Fiduciary Duty), Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
The Limited Liability Company and the Search for a Bright Line Between Corporations and Partnerships, Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
Halakhic Approaches to the Resolution of Disputes Concerning the Disposition of Preembryos, Irving A. Breitowitz
Affirmative Action and International Law, Maxwell O. Chibundu
Law and the Political Economy of Privatization in Sub-Saharan Africa, Maxwell O. Chibundu
Law in Development: On Tapping, Gourding, and Serving Palm-Wine, Maxwell O. Chibundu
Learning from Colleagues: A Case Study in the Relationship Between "Academic" and "Ecological" Clinical Legal Education, Robert J. Condlin
Vive no Différence, Martha M. Ertman
A Constitutional Law Anthology, 2d edition, Michael J. Glennon, Donald E. Lively, Phoebe A. Haddon, Dorothy E. Roberts, and Russell L. Weaver
Government Precommitment to Tax Incentive Subsidies: The Impact of United States v. Winstar Corp. on Retroactive Tax Legislation, Daniel S. Goldberg
Nonrecourse Debt in Excess of Fair Market Value: The Confluence of Basis, Realization, Subchapter K and the Need for Consistency, Daniel S. Goldberg
Can Poverty Lawyers Play Well With Others? Including Lawyers in Integrated, School-Based Service Delivery Programs, Leigh S. Goodmark
Desperately Ducking Slavery: Dred Scott and Contemporary Constitutional Theory, Mark A. Graber
Keynote Address: Redefining our Roles in the Battle for Inclusion of People of Color in Legal Education, Phoebe A. Haddon
Is Actuarially Fair Insurance Pricing Actually Fair? A Case Study in Insuring Battered Women, Deborah Hellman
Emergency Care and Managed Care - A Dangerous Combination, Diane E. Hoffmann
Between Rock and a Hard Place: The Right to Testify and Impeachment by Prior Conviction, Alan D. Hornstein
Judging the Judges: Racial Diversity, Impartiality and Representation on State Trial Courts, Sherrilyn A. Ifill
Legal Ethics & Practical Politics: Musings on the Public Perception of Lawyer Discipline, Paula A. Monopoli
Regulatory Evolution and the Future of Environmental Policy, Robert V. Percival
Responding to Environmental Risk: A Pluralistic Perspective, Robert V. Percival
Law and the Environment: a Multidisciplinary Reader, Robert V. Percival and Dorothy C. Alevizatos
Advocates at Cross-Purposes: The Briefs on Behalf of Zoning in the Supreme Court, Garrett Power
The Imperfect Union: Constitutional Structures of German Unification, Peter E. Quint
Legal Process and Choice of Law, William L. Reynolds
What Happens When Parties Fail to Prove Foreign Law?, William L. Reynolds
Breast Cancer, the Genetic "QuickFix," and the Jewish Community: Ethical, Legal, and Social Challenges, Karen H. Rothenberg
Genetic Accountability and Pregnant Women, Karen H. Rothenberg
Genetic Information and the Workplace: Legislative Approaches and Policy Challenges, Karen H. Rothenberg, Barbara Fuller, Mark Rothstein, Troy Duster, Mary Jo Ellis Kahn, Rita Cunningham, Beth Fine, Kathy Hudson, Mary-Claire King, Patricia Murphy, Gary Swergold, and Francis Collins
Legal Regulation of Marriage: From Status to Contract and Back Again?, Jana B. Singer
Public Choice and Public Law: Readings and Commentary, Maxwell L. Stearns
In Defense of the Superfund Liability System: Matching the Diagnosis and the Cure, Rena I. Steinzor and Linda E. Greer
Judicial Lawmaking in a Code Jurisdiction: A French Saga on Certainty of Price in Contract Law, Edward A. Tomlinson
The Maryland Administrative Procedure Act: Forty Years Old in 1997, Edward A. Tomlinson
Cancer Genetic Susceptibility Testing: Ethical and Policy Implications for Future Research and Clinical Practice, Benjamin S. Wilfond, Karen H. Rothenberg, Elizabeth J. Thomson, and Caryn Lerman
Comment: Seminole Tribe v. Florida, Gordon G. Young
Submissions from 1996
Legal Challenges: State Intervention, Reproduction and HIV-infected Women, Taunya Lovell Banks
The Innkeeper's Tale: the Legal Development of a Public Calling, David S. Bogen
The Relationship between Theory and Practice in the Study of Punishment, Richard C. Boldt
The Brain Death Controversy in Jewish Law, Irving Breitowitz
Ethical Decisionmaking and Ethics Instruction in Clinical Law Practice, Douglas L. Colbert, Joan L. O'Sullivan, Susan P. Leviton, Deborah J. Weimer, Stanley S. Herr, Jerome E. Deise, Andrew P. Reese, and Michael A. Millemann
Contractual Purgatory for Sexual Marginorities: Not Heaven, but Not Hell Either, Martha M. Ertman
Short Circuit: The Overselling of Television in Politics, Larry S. Gibson
Conflicting Representations: Lani Guinier and James Madison on Electoral Systems, Mark A. Graber
Rethinking Abortion: Equal Choice, the Constitution, and Reproductive Politics, Mark A. Graber
Protective Orders in the Bankruptcy Court: The Congressional Mandate of Bankruptcy Code Section 107 and Its Constitutional Implications, Michelle M. Harner and William T. Bodoh
Mediating Bioethical Disputes, Diane E. Hoffmann and Naomi Karp
The Dangers of Directives or the False Security of Forms, Diane E. Hoffmann, Sheryl Itkin Zimmerman, and Catherine J. Tompkins
Appropriate Management of Pain: Addressing the Clinical, Legal, and Regulatory Barriers, Bernard Lo, Karen H. Rothenberg, and Michael Vasko
Physician-Assisted Suicide in Context: Constitutional, Regulatory, and Professional Challenges, Bernard Lo, Karen H. Rothenberg, and Michael Vasko
The Carpenter and the Crocodile, Garrett Power
The Residential Segregation of Baltimore's Jews: Restrictive Covenants or Gentlemen's Agreement?, Garrett Power
Studying Deck Chairs on the Titanic, William L. Reynolds and William M. Richman
Elitism, Expediency, and the New Certiorari: Requiem for the Learned Hand Tradition, William M. Richman and William L. Reynolds
Feminism, Law, and Bioethics, Karen H. Rothenberg
Gender Matters: Implications for Clinical Research and Women's Health Care, Karen H. Rothenberg
Reproductive Choice and Reality: an Assessment of Tort Liability for Health-Care Providers and Women with HIV/AIDS, Karen H. Rothenberg
Women of Childbearing Potential in Clinical Research: Perspectives on NIH Policy and Liability Issues, Karen H. Rothenberg, Eugene G. Hayunga, and Vivian W. Pinn
How Outcome Voting Promotes Principled Issue Identification: A Reply to Professor John Rogers and Others, Maxwell L. Stearns
Mistretta versus Marbury: The Foundations of Judicial Review, Maxwell L. Stearns
Regulatory Reinvention and Project XL: Does the Emperor Have Any Clothes?, Rena I. Steinzor
Unfunded Environmental Mandates and the "New (New) Federalism": Devolution, Revolution, or Reform, Rena I. Steinzor
Multi-Community Membership, Free Riders, and Effective Governance, Robert E. Suggs
1995 Patent Law Decisions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Lawrence M. Sung
Less is More: a Move Toward Sanity in the Budget Process, Donald B. Tobin
The Balanced Budget Amendment: Will Judges Become Accountants? A Look at State Experiences, Donald B. Tobin
Consensus, Dissensus and Contractual Obligation Through the Prism of Uniform International Sales Law, Michael P. Van Alstine
Innovations in Collective Bargaining: Nummi - Driven to Excellence, Marley S. Weiss
Submissions from 1995
Religious Outlaws: Narratives of Legality and the Politics of Citizen Interpretation, Barbara L. Bezdek
Comparing Implied and Express Constitutional Freedoms, David S. Bogen
A Study in Regulatory Method, Local Political Cultures, and Jurisprudential Voice: The Application of Federal Confidentiality Law to Project Head Start, Richard C. Boldt
Affirming the Thirteenth Amendment, Douglas L. Colbert
Liberating the Thirteenth Amendment, Douglas L. Colbert
The Tax Treatment of Limited Liability Companies: Law in Search of Policy, Daniel S. Goldberg
Old Wine in New Bottles: The Constitutional Status of Unconstitutional Speech, Mark A. Graber
The Passive-Aggressive Virtues: Cohen v. Virginia and the Problematic Establishment of Judicial Power, Mark A. Graber
The Denial of Future Tort Claims in In re Piper Aircraft: Will the Court's Quick-Fix Solution Keep the Debtor Flying High or Bring It Crashing Down?, Michelle M. Harner
The Importance of Appearing Principled, Deborah Hellman
The Guardianship Puzzle: Whatever Happened to Due Process?, Diane E. Hoffmann and Joan L. O'Sullivan
Testing Children for Genetic Predispositions: Is it in Their Best Interest?, Diane E. Hoffmann and Eric A. Wulfsberg
The New Maryland Rules of Evidence: Survey, Analysis and Critique, Alan D. Hornstein
Genetic Discrimination and Health Insurance: An Urgent Need for Reform, Kathy L. Hudson, Karen H. Rothenberg, Lori B. Andrews, Mary Jo Ellis Kahn, and Francis S. Collins
Environmental Federalism: Historical Roots and Contemporary Models, Robert V. Percival
Public Service and Private Interests: A Chronicle of the Professional Life of Philip B. Perlman, Garrett Power
Why Teach International Family Law in Conflicts?, William L. Reynolds
Legal Process and the Past of Antitrust, William L. Reynolds and Spencer Weber Waller