Submissions from 2005
Still Needed: Enforcement, Public Role, Robert V. Percival
Who's Afraid of the Precautionary Principle?, Robert V. Percival
Broadening the Holistic Mindset: Incorporating Collateral Consequences and Reentry into Criminal Defense Lawyering, Michael Pinard
Calvert versus Carroll: The Quit-rent Controversy between Maryland's Founding Families, Garrett Power
Toward Flawlessness, Peter E. Quint
Survey of the Law of Cyberspace: Internet Contracting Cases 2004-2005, William L. Reynolds and Juliet M. Moringiello
The Full Faith and Credit Clause: a Reference Guide to the United States Constitution, William L. Reynolds and William M. Richman
Terrorism Risk in a Post-9/11 Economy: The Convergence of Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Action, Robert J. Rhee
Toward a More Expansive Welfare Devolution Debate, Steven Schwinn
Law and Letters: A Detailed Examination of David Hoffman's Life and Career, Bill Sleeman
From Catalog to Gateway: Charting a Course for Future Access: Briefings from the ALCTS Catalog Form and Function Committee, Bill Sleeman and Pamela Bluh
The Market for Justice, the "Litigation Explosion," and the "Verdict Bubble:" a Closer Look at Vanishing Trials, Frederic N. Smalkin and Frederic N. C. Smalkin
Book Review: Transitional Justice Comes of Age: Enduring Lessons and Challenges, Chandra Lekha Sriram
Human Rights Claims vs. the State: Is Sovereignty Really Eroding?, Chandra Lekha Sriram
Wrong-Sizing International Justice? The Hybrid Tribunal in Sierra Leone, Chandra Lekha Sriram
Defining Dicta, Maxwell L. Stearns and Michael Abramowicz
Are Rights Efficient? Challenging the Managerial Critique of Individual Rights, David A. Super
Encouraging Moderation in State Policies on Collecting Food Stamp Claims, David A. Super
Improving Fairness and Accuracy in Food Stamp Fraud Investigations: Advocating Reform Under Food Stamp Regulations, David A. Super
Rethinking Fiscal Federalism, David A. Super
Origins of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, Allyn L. Taylor, Ruth Roemer, and Jean Lariviere
Restoring the Rule of Law: Reflections on Fixing the Immigration System and Exploring Failed Policy Choices, Katherine L. Vaughns
Civil Legal Needs of Individuals In Drug Treatment, Ellen M. Weber, Rachel C. Grunberger, Kevin E. O'Grady, and Amelia M. Arria
Kentucky River at the Intersection of Professional and Supervisory Status: Fertile Delta or Bermuda Triangle?, Marley S. Weiss
Regulation of the Work Performance Relationship: Independent Contractors, Labor Subcontractors, and Joint Control over an Employment-Like Relationship, Marley S. Weiss
Evaluating Marriage: Does Marriage Matter to the Nurturing of Children?, Robin Fretwell Wilson
Removing Violent Parents from the Home: A Test Case for the Public Health Approach, Robin Fretwell Wilson
Removing Violent Parents from the Home: A Test Case for the Public Health Approach, Robin Fretwell Wilson
Submissions from 2004
Unfilfilled Promises: Achieving Justice for Crimes Against Humanity in East Timor, Kelly Askin, Stefanie Frease, and Sonja Starr
Brown at 50: Reconstructing Brown's Promise, Taunya Lovell Banks
Setting the Record Straight: Maryland's First Black Women Law Graduates, Taunya Lovell Banks
To Forge New Hammers of Justice: Deep-Six the Doing-Teaching Dichotomy and Embrace the Dialectic of "Doing Theory", Barbara L. Bezdek
Precursors of Rosa Parks: Maryland Transportation Cases Between the Civil War and the Beginning of World War I, David S. Bogen
Slaughter-House Five: Views of the Case, David S. Bogen
Tributes to Professor Alan Hornstein, David S. Bogen, Karen H. Rothenberg, William L. Reynolds, Howard S. Chasanow, and P. Michael Nagle
Windfall Awards under PSLRA, Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
Book Review: Differential Treatment in International Environmental Law, Maxwell O. Chibundu
For God, For Country, For Universalism: Sovereignty as Solidarity in Our Age of Terror, Maxwell O. Chibundu
The Other in International Law: 'Community' and International Legal Order, Maxwell O. Chibundu
"Defendant Veto" or "Totality of the Circumstances?": It's Time for the Supreme Court to Straighten Out the Personal Jurisdiction Standard Once Again, Robert J. Condlin
Unemployment Insurance Reform for Moms, Karen Czapanskiy
Why Does It Matter Where I Live? Welfare Reform, Equal Protection, and the Maryland Constitution, Karen Syma Czapanskiy
Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and the "War on Terrorism" in Afghanistan, Peter G. Danchin
Achieving the Double Bottom Line: A Framework for Corporations Seeking To Deliver Profits and Public Services, Lisa M. Fairfax
Tax Code Section 527 Groups Not an End-Run Around McCain-Feingold, Edward B. Foley and Donald B. Tobin
The U.S. Consumption Tax: Evolution, Not Revolution, Daniel S. Goldberg
Librarians Bridge Information Gap in Law Courses, Barbara S. Gontrum
Achieving Batterer Accountability in the Child Protection System, Leigh S. Goodmark
Law is the Answer? Do We Know That For Sure? Questioning the Efficacy of Legal Interventions for Battered Women, Leigh S. Goodmark
Deconstructing Teresa O'Brien: A Role Play for Domestic Violence Clinics, Leigh S. Goodmark and Catherine F. Klein
Introduction: Ancients, Moderns and Guns, Mark A. Graber
Resolving Political Questions into Judicial Questions: Tocqueville's Thesis Revisited, Mark A. Graber
Indefinite Material Witness Detention Without Probable Cause: Thinking Outside the Fourth Amendment, Michael Greenberger
Is Criminal Justice a Casualty of the Bush Administration's War on Terror?, Michael Greenberger
Three Strikes and You're Outside the Constitution: Will the Guantanamo Bay Alien Detainees be Granted Fundamental Due Process?, Michael Greenberger
Does Grutter Offer Courts an Opportunity to Consider Race in Jury Selection and Decisions Related to Promoting Fairness in the Deliberation Process?, Phoebe A. Haddon
Tributes to Professor Alice Brumbaugh, Alan D. Hornstein, Abraham Dash, Frederic N. Smalkin, Lynne A. Battaglia, Karen H. Rothenberg, and David S. Bogen
Legal Writing and Academic Support: Timing is Everything, Dionne L. Koller
New Rules for Supplier Bid Challenges Take Effect in China, Daniel J. Mitterhoff
The Sway of the Swing Vote: Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and her Influence on Issues of Race, Religion, Gender and Class: Foreword, Paula A. Monopoli
The Threat of Smallpox: Eradicated But Not Erased: A Review of the Fiscal, Logistical and Legal Obstacles Impacting the Phase I Vaccination Program, Holly L. Myers, Elin Gursky, Georges C. Benjamin, Christopher Gozdor, and Michael Greenberger
Not for Attribution: Government's Interest in Protecting the Integrity of its Own Expression, Helen L. Norton
The Cost of Conscience: Quantifying our Charitable Burden in an Era of Globalization, Frank A. Pasquale
Resolución de Conflictos Ambientales: Lecciones Aprendidas de la Historia de la Contaminación de las Fundiciones de Minerales, Robert V. Percival
The Clean Water Act and the Demise of the Federal Common Law of Interstate Nuisance, Robert V. Percival
Meade v. Dennistone: The NAACP's Test Case to "...Sue Jim Crow Out of Maryland with the Fourteenth Amendment.", Garrett Power
A Principled Solution for Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress Claims, Robert J. Rhee
The Application of Finance Theory to Increased Risk Harms in Toxic Tort Litigation, Robert J. Rhee
Building a Digital Collection: The Making of Historical Publications of the United States Commission on Civil Rights, Bill Sleeman
A Perfect Storm: Mercury and the Bush Administration, Rena I. Steinzor and Lisa Heinzerling
A Perfect Storm: Mercury and the Bush Administration, Part II, Rena I. Steinzor and Lisa Heinzerling
The New Moralizers: Transforming the Conservative Legal Agenda, David A. Super
The Political Economy of Entitlement, David A. Super
The Quiet "Welfare" Revolution: Resurrecting the Food Stamp Program in the Wake of the 1996 Welfare Law, David A. Super
Governing the Globalization of Public Health, Allyn L. Taylor
Investing In Our Children: A Not So Radical Proposal, Donald B. Tobin
Regulate, Don't Eliminate, 527s, Donald B. Tobin
Federal Common Law in an Age of Treaties, Michael P. Van Alstine
Teaching to Encourage More to Do, Ellen Weber
Bridging the Barriers: Public Health Strategies for Expanding Drug Treatment in Communities, Ellen M. Weber
Using Tort Law to Secure Patient Dignity, Robin Fretwell Wilson
Submissions from 2003
Exploring White Resistance to Racial Reconciliation in the United States, Taunya Lovell Banks
Two "Colored" Women's Conversation about the Relevance of Feminist Law Journals in the Twenty-first Century, Taunya Lovell Banks and Penelope Andrews
Privileges and Immunities: a Reference Guide to the United States Constitution, David S. Bogen
A Search for Clarity and Consistency in Judicial Process: the Maryland Court of Appeals Decides Whether to Change Common-law Rules, C. Christopher Brown
Africa's Economic Reconstruction: On Leapfrogging, Linkages and the Law, Maxwell O. Chibundu
Book Review: A Virtue Less Cloistered: Courts, Speech and Constitutions, Maxwell O. Chibundu
'What's Love Got To Do With It?' - 'It's Not Like They're Your Friends for Christ's Sake' : The Complicated Relationship Between Lawyer and Client, Robert J. Condlin
Domestic Violence and the Maryland Family Violence Option, Karen Czapanskiy
Marriage Markets, Martha M. Ertman
What's Wrong with a Parenthood Market? A New and Improved Theory of Commodification, Martha M. Ertman
The Thin Line Between Love and Hate: Why Affinity-Based Securities and Investment Fraud Constitutes a Hate Crime, Lisa M. Fairfax
Public Nuisance as a Mass Products Liability Tort, Donald G. Gifford
Clarence Thomas and the Perils of Amateur History, Mark A. Graber
What Makes Genetic Discrimination Exceptional?, Deborah Hellman
Achieving the Right Balance in Oversight of Physician Opioid Prescribing for Pain: a Survey of State Medical Boards, Diane E. Hoffmann and Anita J. Tarzian
Achieving the Right Balance in Oversight of Physician Opioid Prescribing for Pain: The Role of State Medical Boards, Diane E. Hoffmann and Anita J. Tarzian
On the Horns of an Evidentiary Dilemma: The Intersection of Federal Rules of Evidence 806 and 608(b), Alan D. Hornstein
Creating a Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Lynching, Sherrilyn A. Ifill