Submissions from 2007
Easier Said Than Done? A Corporate Law Theory for Actualizing Social Responsibility Rhetoric, Lisa M. Fairfax
The Criminalization of Corporate Law, Lisa M. Fairfax
Tort Law: Cases, Perspectives, and Problems. 4th edition, Thomas C. Galligan, Phoebe A. Haddon, Frank L. Maraist, Frank M. McClellan, Michael Rustad, Nicolas P. Terry, and Stephanie M. Wildman
Legal Negotiation: Theory and Practice, 2d edition, Donald G. Gifford
The Aches and Pains of Transition to a Consumption Tax: Can We Get There From Here?, Daniel S. Goldberg
The Punishment of Dixie Shanahan: Is There Justice for Battered Women Who Kill?, Leigh S. Goodmark
False Modesty: Felix Frankfurter and the Tradition of Judicial Restraint, Mark A. Graber
Foreword: Making Sense of an Eighteenth-Century Constitution in a Twenty-First-Century World, Mark A. Graber
Looking off the Ball: Constitutional Law and American Politics, Mark A. Graber
"No Better Than They Deserve:" Dred Scott and Constitutional Democracy, Mark A. Graber
Devilry, Complicity, and Greed: Transitional Justice and Odious Debt, David C. Gray
Why Justice Scalia Should be a Constitutional Comparativist ... Sometimes, David C. Gray
Did the Founding Fathers do "A Heckuva Job"? Constitutional Authorization for the Use of Federal Troops to Prevent the Loss of a Major American City, Michael Greenberger
Preparing Vulnerable Populations for a Disaster: Inner-City Emergency Preparedness - Who Should Take the Lead?, Michael Greenberger
Teaching New Dogs Old Tricks: Reshaping the Department of Homeland Security's Technology Development Infrastructure, Michael Greenberger
You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet: The Inevitable Post-Hamdan Conflict Between the Supreme Court and the Political Branches, Michael Greenberger
The Structure of Search Engine Law, James Grimmelmann
Not a Living Room Sofa: Changing the Legal Status of Companion Animals, Susan J. Hankin
Judging Genes: Implications of the Second Generation of Genetic Tests in the Courtroom, Diane E. Hoffmann and Karen H. Rothenberg
Tied Up In Knotts? GPS Technology and the Fourth Amendment, Renée McDonald Hutchins
On the Courthouse Lawn: Confronting the Legacy of Lynching in the Twenty-first Century, Sherrilyn A. Ifill
Not All Property is Created Equal: Why Modern Courts Resist Applying the Takings Clause to Patents, and Why They Are Right To Do So, Davida H. Isaacs
AEDPA's Wrecks: Comity, Finality, and Federalism, Lee B. Kovarsky
Reinstatement v. Cramdown: Do Secured Creditors Win or Lose?, Heather Lennox, Michelle M. Harner, and Eric R. Goodman
Judicial Deference to Administrative Agencies and its Limits, Graham G. Martin and David A. Super
Diversifying the Delivery of Legal Services to the Poor by Adding a Reduced Fee Private Attorney Component to the Predominantly Staff Model, Including Through a Judicare Program, Michael A. Millemann
Setting an Agenda for the Future Delivery of Legal Services to the Poor in Maryland, Michael A. Millemann
The Institutional Structure for Government Procurement: An Initial Look at the Emerging Chinese Model, Daniel J. Mitterhoff
Gender and Justice: Parity and the United States Supreme Court, Paula A. Monopoli
Survey of the Law of Cyberspace: Electronic Contracting Cases 2006-2007, Juliet M. Moringiello and William L. Reynolds
Copyright in an Era of Information Overload: Toward the Privileging of Categorizers, Frank Pasquale
Technology, Competition, and Values, Frank Pasquale
The Three Faces of Retainer Care: Crafting a Tailored Regulatory Response, Frank Pasquale
Environmental Law in the Twenty-First Century, Robert V. Percival
A Reentry-Centered Vision of Criminal Justice, Michael Pinard
Silences and Peculiarities of the Hamdan Opinions, Peter E. Quint
What is a Twentieth-Century Constitution?, Peter E. Quint
ERISA Preemption and Fair Share Legislation, Sharon Reece
Maryland and the Constitution of the United States: an Introductory Essay, William L. Reynolds
Probability, Policy and the Problem of Reference Class, Robert J. Rhee
The Effect of Risk on Legal Valuation, Robert J. Rhee
The Socratic Method and the Mathematical Heuristic of George Polya, Robert J. Rhee
Introduction to the Tenth Anniversary issue of the Journal of Health Care Law & Policy , Karen H. Rothenberg and Diane E. Hoffmann
Hamdan as an Assertion of Judicial Power, Jana B. Singer
Extraordinary Crimes at Ordinary Times: International Justice Beyond Crisis Situations, Sonja Starr
Mother Earth and Uncle Sam: How Pollution and Hollow Government Hurt our Kids, Rena I. Steinzor
License to Sue? The Availability of Declaratory Judgment Actions to Patent Licensees After MedImmune, Inc. V. Genentech, Inc., Lawrence M. Sung
Political Advocacy and Taxable Entities: Are They the Next "Loophole"?, Donald B. Tobin
Political Campaigning by Churches and Charities: Hazardous for 501(c)(3)s, Dangerous for Democracy, Donald B. Tobin
Child Welfare Interventions for Drug-Dependent Pregnant Women: Limitations of a Non-Public Health Response, Ellen M. Weber
Ruminations on the Past, Present and Future of International Labor Standards: Empowering Law in the Brave New Economic World, Marley S. Weiss
Youngstown, Hamdan, and "Inherent" Emergency Presidential Policymaking Powers, Gordon G. Young
Books from 2006
Constitutional Law: Cases, History, and Dialogues, 3rd edition, William D. Araiza, Phoebe A. Haddon, and Dorothy E. Roberts
Mestizaje and the Mexican Mestizo Self: No hay Sangre Negra, so there is no Blackness, Taunya Lovell Banks
To Kill a Mockingbird (1962): Lawyering in an Unjust Society, Taunya Lovell Banks
To Attain “The Just Rewards of so Much Struggle”: Local-Resident Equity Participation in Urban Revitalization, Barbara L. Bezdek
Cause Lawyering and Social Movements: Can Solo and Small Firm Practitioners Anchor Social Movements?, Brenda Bratton Blom
"Open Access," Legal Publishing, and Online Repositories, Pamela Bluh
Review Essay: Excuse Theory Through a Liberal Lens, Richard C. Boldt
Juristocracy in the Trenches: Problem-solving Judges and Therapeutic Jurisprudence in Drug Treatment Courts and Unified Family Courts, Richard Boldt and Jana Singer
Give Me Equity or Give Me Death - The Role of Competition and Compensation in Building Silicon Valley, Richard A. Booth
How to Compensate Mutual Fund Investors for Late Trading and Market Timing, Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
Using Spread and Net Trading Range to Measure Risk in Suitability Cases, Richard A. Booth
Who Should Recover What for Late Trading and Market Timing?, Richard A. Booth
Representative Patent Claims: Their Use in Appeals to the Board and in Infringement Litigation, Patricia E. Campbell
Book Review: International Environmental Treaties and State Behavior: Factors Influencing Cooperation, Maxwell O. Chibundu
Political Ideology as a Religion: the Idolatry of Democracy, Maxwell O. Chibundu
The Jury Trial and Democratic Values: On the Twenty-First Century Incarnation of an Eighteenth Century Institution, Maxwell O. Chibundu
Minimum Contacts in a Borderless World: Voice over Internet Protocol and the Coming Implosion of Personal Jurisdiction Theory, Danielle Keats Citron
Coming Soon to a Court Near You – Convicting the Unrepresented at the Bail Stage: an Autopsy of a State High Court’s Sua Sponte Rejection of Indigent Defendants’ Right to Counsel, Douglas L. Colbert
Connecting Theory and Reality: Teaching Gideon and Indigent Defendants' Non-Right to Counsel at Bail, Douglas L. Colbert
To Protect and Defend: Assigning Parental Rights When Parents are Living in Poverty, Karen Czapanskiy
Between Rogues and Liberals: Towards Value Pluralism as a Theory of Freedom of Religion in International Law, Peter G. Danchin
Book Review: Legal Tenderness, Martha M. Ertman
Private Ordering under the ALI Principles: As Natural as Status, Martha M. Ertman
The Elasticity of Contract, Martha M. Ertman
Some Reflections on the Diversity of Corporate Boards: Women, People of Color, and the Unique Issues Associated with Women of Color, Lisa M. Fairfax
Women and the "New" Corporate Governance - Foreword: a Symposium Exploring the Role and Impact of Women in a Changing Corporate Environment, Lisa M. Fairfax and Paula A. Monopoli
The Death of Causation: Mass Products Torts' Incomplete Incorporation of Social Welfare Principles, Donald G. Gifford
Market Share Liability Beyond DES Cases: The Solution to the Causation Dilemma in Lead Paint Litigation?, Donald G. Gifford and Paolo Pasicolan
Oy Canada! Trade's Non-solution to "the Problem" of U.S. Drug Prices, Daniel Gilman
Price, Property and Trade Across a Regulatory Border: Pharmaceuticals (Re)importation from Canada and Beyond , Daniel J. Gilman
Does it Really Matter? Conservative Courts in a Conservative Era, Mark A. Graber
Dred Scott and the Problem of Constitutional Evil, Mark A. Graber
Enumeration and Other Constitutional Strategies for Protecting Rights: the View from 1787/1791, Mark A. Graber
From the Countermajoritarian Difficulty to Juristocracy and the Political Construction of Judicial Power, Mark A. Graber
Legal, Strategic or Legal Strategy: Deciding to Decide during the Civil War and Reconstruction, Mark A. Graber
Popular Constitutionalism, Judicial Supremacy, and the Complete Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Mark A. Graber
Rule-Skepticism, "Strategery," and the Limits of International Law, David Gray
A Prayer for Constitutional Comparativism in Eighth Amendment Cases, David C. Gray
An Excuse-Centered Approach to Transitional Justice, David C. Gray
What's So Special About Transitional Justice? Prolegomenon for an Excuse-Centered Approach to Transitional Justice, David C. Gray
Some Thoughts on "The Economic Loss Rule" and Apportionment, Oscar S. Gray
Choking BioShield: The Department of Homeland Security's Stranglehold on Biodefense Vaccine Development, Michael Greenberger
False Conflict: Who's in Charge of National Public Health Catastrophes, Michael Greenberger
The Alfonse and Gaston of Governmental Response to National Public Health Emergencies: Lessons Learned from Hurricane Katrina for the Federal Government and the States, Michael Greenberger
The Need for Closed Circuit Television in Mass Transit Systems, Michael Greenberger
Yes, Virginia: The President Can Deploy Federal Troops to Prevent the Loss of a Major American City from a Devastating Natural Catastrophe, Michael Greenberger