Submissions from 2001
Thick and Thin: Interdisciplinary Conversations on Populism, Law, Political Science, and Constitutional Change, Mark A. Graber
Judging by Appearances: Professional Ethics, Expressive Government, and the Moral Significance of How Things Seem, Deborah Hellman
The Girl Who Cried Pain: A Bias Against Women in the Treatment of Pain, Diane E. Hoffmann and Anita J. Tarzian
A Match Made in Maryland: Howard Chasanow and the Law of Evidence, Alan D. Hornstein and Nichole G. Mazade
Weaving a Safety Net: Poor Women, Welfare, and Work in the Chicken and Catfish Industries, Sherrilyn A. Ifill
Teaching Lawyers to be More Than Zealous Advocates, Paula A. Monopoli
Voting and Nursing Home Residents: A Survey of Practices and Policies, Joan L. O'Sullivan
Presidential Management of the Administrative State: the Not-so-Unitary Executive, Robert V. Percival
Separation of Powers, the Presidency and the Environment, Robert V. Percival
Escaping the Common Law's Shadow: Standing in the Light of Laidlaw, Robert V. Percival and Joanna B. Goger
Building Community, Recognizing Dignity: Beyond the ADA, Karen H. Rothenberg and Alan D. Hornstein
Der Vereinigungsschock: Vergleichende Betrachtungen zehn Jahre danach, Wolfgang Schluchter and Peter E. Quint
Der Vereinigungsschock: Vergleichende Betrachtungen zehn Jahre danach, Wolfgang Schluchter and Peter E. Quint
Consent to the Use of Stored DNA for Genetics Research: A Survey of Attitudes in the Jewish Population, Marc D. Schwartz, Karen H. Rothenberg, Linda Joseph, Judith Benkendorf, and Caryn Lerman
From Lujan to Laidlaw: A Preliminary Model of Environmental Standing, Maxwell L. Stearns
EPA and Its Sisters at 30: Devolution, Revolution, or Reform?, Rena I. Steinzor
Myths of the Reinvented State, Rena I. Steinzor
Ethical Judgment and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Custody and Child Welfare Cases, Deborah J. Weimer
Submissions from 2000
Colorism: A Darker Shade of Pale, Taunya Lovell Banks
Race Talk: Patricia J. Williams' Seeing a Color-Blind Future: the Paradox of Race, Taunya Lovell Banks
The Civil War Days of Captain Charles D. Roush: Company B, 6th Pennsylvania Regiment Reserves, C. Christopher Brown
Licensing Intellectual Property and Technology from the Financially-Troubled or Startup Company: Prebankruptcy Strategies to Minimize the Risk in a Licensee's Intellectual Property and Technology Investment, Richard M. Cieri and Michelle M. Harner
The Direction of Corporate Law: The Scholars' Perspective, John C. Coffee Jr., Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law, R. Franklin Balotti, David C. McBride, and Edward P. Welch
Musing about Community, or Why is it Better to be an American Grandparent than a Cuban Father?, Karen Czapanskiy
Contract Sports, Martha M. Ertman
Oscar Wilde: Paradoxical Poster Child for Both Identify and Post-Identify, Martha M. Ertman
Unbending Gender: Why Family and Work Conflict and What To Do About It, Martha M. Ertman
How Does the Dean Resemble the Islets of Langerhans?, Donald G. Gifford
E-tax: Fundamental Tax Reform and the Transition to a Currency-Free Economy, Daniel S. Goldberg
Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Potential for Gender Bias, Leigh S. Goodmark
Naked Land Transfers and American Constitutional Development, Mark A. Graber
The MDP Controversy: What Legal Educators Should Know, Phoebe A. Haddon
The Expressive Dimension of Equal Protection, Deborah Hellman
Regulating Research With Decisionally Impaired Individuals: Are We Making Progress?, Diane E. Hoffmann, Jack Schwartz, and Evan G. DeRenzo
Are Ethics Committee Members Competent to Consult?, Diane E. Hoffmann, Anita J. Tarzian, and J. Anne O'Neil
Greater Than the Sum of its Parts: Integrating Trial Evidence & Advocacy, Alan D. Hornstein and Jerome E. Deise
Racial Diversity on the Bench: Beyond Role Models and Public Confidence, Sherrilyn A. Ifill
Children: Wards or Waifs of the Court, Susan P. Leviton
Jiegou Zhengfu Hetong Zhidu - Yi Mei Guo Moshi Wei Lie [Constructing a Government Contracting System: Examples from the American Model], Daniel J. Mitterhoff
The Border Guard Trials and the East German Past - Seven Arguments, Peter E. Quint
Fulfilling Technology's Promise: Enforcing the Rights of Women Caught in the Global High-Tech Underclass, Shruti Rana
Restricting the Rights of Poor Mothers: an International Human Rights Critique of "Workfare", Shruti Rana
Prologomenon to an Empirical Restatement of Conflicts, William M. Richman and William L. Reynolds
The Practice of Law, Karen H. Rothenberg
Constitutional process: a social choice analysis of Supreme Court decision making, Maxwell L. Stearns
The Case for Including Marks v. United States in the Canon of Constitutional Law, Maxwell L. Stearns
Why Should Lawyers Care About Institutional Data on Courts?, Maxwell L. Stearns
Devolution and the Public Health, Rena I. Steinzor
The Corruption of Civic Environmentalism, Rena I. Steinzor
Collegiality and Collaboration in the Age of Exclusivity, Lawrence M. Sung
Stranger In A Strange Land: Biotechnology and the Federal Circuit, Lawrence M. Sung
The French Experience with Duty to Rescue: a Dubious Case for Criminal Enforcement, Edward A. Tomlinson
The Right to Strike in Essential Services under United States Labor Law, Marley S. Weiss
Submissions from 1999
Toward a Global Critical Feminist Vision: Domestic Work and the Nanny Tax Debate, Taunya Lovell Banks
Reflections on the Practice of a Theory: Law, Teaching, and Social Change, Barbara L. Bezdek
Evaluating Histories of Substance Abuse in Cases Involving the Termination of Parental Rights, Richard C. Boldt
The Suitability Rule, Investor Diversification, And Using Spread to Measure Risk, Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
Adoption, Identity, and the Constitution: the Case for Opening Closed Records, Naomi R. Cahn and Jana B. Singer
Globalizing the Rule of Law: Some Thoughts at and on the Periphery, Maxwell O. Chibundu
Making Customary International Law Through Municipal Adjudication: A Structural Inquiry, Maxwell O. Chibundu
"What's Really Going On?" A Study of Lawyer and Scientist Inter-Disciplinary Discourse, Robert J. Condlin
Interdependencies, Families, and Children, Karen Czapanskiy
The Silent Resurrection of Plessy: The Supreme Court's Acquiescence in the Resegregation of America's Schools, Lisa M. Fairfax
When you Wish Upon a Star: Explaining the Cautious Growth of Royalty-Backed Securitization, Lisa M. Fairfax
Privacy in Genetics Research, Barbara Fuller, Mary Jo Ellis Kahn, P. A. Barr, L. Biesecker, E. Crowley, J. Garber, M. K. Mansoura, Patricia Murphy, J. Murray, J. Phillips, Karen H. Rothenberg, Mark Rothstein, J. Stopfer, Gary Swergold, B. Weber, Francis Collins, and Kathy Hudson
From Property to Personhood: What the Legal System Should Do for Children in Family Violence Cases, Leigh S. Goodmark
Law and Sports Officiating: A Misunderstood and Justly Neglected Relationship, Mark A. Graber
All the Difference in the World: Listening and Hearing the Voices of Women, Phoebe A. Haddon
The Trials of Howard Roark, Alan D. Hornstein
Robert Leflar, Judicial Process, and Choice of Law, William L. Reynolds and William M. Richman
"Being Human": Cloning and the Challenges for Public Policy, Karen H. Rothenberg
Social Implications of Genetic Testing, Karen H. Rothenberg
Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues, Karen H. Rothenberg
The Social Implications of the Use of Stored Tissue Samples: Context, Control, and Community, Karen H. Rothenberg
Still Hostile After All These Years? Gender, Work & Family Revisited, Jana B. Singer
Should Justices Ever Switch Votes?: Miller v. Albright in Social Choice Perpsective, Maxwell L. Stearns
The Remand That Made the Court Expand, Maxwell L. Stearns
Reinventing Environmental Regulation Through the Government Performance and Results Act: Are the States Ready for the Devolution?, Rena I. Steinzor
Security for a Commercial Loan: Historical & International Perspectives, Edward A. Tomlinson
The French Penal Code of 1994, as amended as of January 1, 1999, Edward A. Tomlinson
Analisis de la Convencion de las Naciones Unidas: sobre los Contratos de Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderias y su trascendencia para America Latina, Michael P. Van Alstine
Of Textualism, Party Autonomy, and Good Faith, Michael P. Van Alstine
US-amerikanisches Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht, 2d edition, Michael P. Van Alstine and Siegfried H. Elsing
Submissions from 1998
Both Edges of the Margin: Blacks and Asians in Mississippi Masala, Barriers to Coalition Building, Taunya Lovell Banks
Rehabilitative Punishment and the Drug Treatment Court Movement, Richard C. Boldt
Thirty-Five Years after Gideon: the Illusory Right to Counsel at Bail Proceedings, Douglas L. Colbert
Commercializing Marriage: A Proposal for Valuing Women's Work Through Premarital Security Agreements, Martha M. Ertman
Reconstructing Marriage: An InterSEXional Approach, Martha M. Ertman
Redefining Reference - Is the Reference Desk a Thing of the Past?, Barbara S. Gontrum
Federalist or Friends of Adams: The Marshall Court and Party Politics, Mark A. Graber
Rights-in-Data Policies Affecting Department of Defense Acquisition of Computer Software and Related Products, Michael Greenberger and Michael S. Kane
Two Types of Discrimination: The Familiar and the Forgotten, Deborah Hellman
Pain Management and Palliative Care in the Era of Managed Care: Issues for Health Insurers, Diane E. Hoffmann
Proxy Consent to Participation of the Decisionally Impaired in Medical Research - Maryland's Policy Initiative, Diane E. Hoffmann
Tobacco Litigation's Third Wave: Has Justice Gone Up in Smoke?, David A. Hyman
Environmental Legislation and the Problem of Collective Action, Robert V. Percival
Water Pollution Control: Lessons from Transnational Experience, Robert V. Percival
Toward a Framework of Mutualism: The Jewish Community in Genetics Research, Karen H. Rothenberg and Amy B. Rutkin