Submissions from 2010
Failure of Physicians to Prescribe Pharmacotherapies for Addiction: Regulatory Restrictions and Physician Resistance, Ellen M. Weber
Failure of Physicians to Prescribe Pharmacotherapies for Addiction: Regulatory Restrictions and Physician Resistance, Ellen M. Weber
Submissions from 2009
A Few Random Thoughts About Socio-Economic "Rights" in the United States in Light of the 2008 Financial Meltdown, Taunya Lovell Banks
A Few Random Thoughts About Socio-Economic "Rights" in the United States in Light of the 2008 Financial Meltdown, Taunya Lovell Banks
Equality and Sorority during the Decade after Brown, Taunya Lovell Banks
Here Comes the Judge! Gender Distortion on TV Reality Court Shows, Taunya Lovell Banks
Judging the Judges - Daytime Television's Integrated Reality Court Bench, Taunya Lovell Banks
Multilayered Racism: Courts' Continued Resistance to Colorism Claims, Taunya Lovell Banks
Outsider Citizens: Film Narratives about the Internment of Japanese Americans, Taunya Lovell Banks
Troubled Waters: Mid-Twentieth Century American Society on "Trial" in the Films of John Waters, Taunya Lovell Banks
Putting Community Equity in Community Development: Resident Equity Participation in Urban Redevelopment, Barbara Bezdek
Alinsky's Prescription: Democracy Alongside Law, Barbara L. Bezdek
Increased Market Power as a New Secondary Consideration in Patent Law, Andrew Blair-Stanek
Institutional Repositories: Essential Infrastructure in the Digital Age, Pamela Bluh
TCO and ROI: Assessing and Evaluating an Institutional Repository, Pamela Bluh
Risk and Entrepreneurship in Libraries: Introduction, Pamela Bluh and Cindy Hepfer
Culture, Religion, and Indigenous People, David Bogen and Leslie F. Goldstein
Indigenous Peoples and the Law - Ancient Customs: Modern Dilemmas, David S. Bogen
Rebuilding the Slaughter-House: the Cases' Support for Civil Rights, David S. Bogen
Culture, Religion, and Indigenous People, David S. Bogen and Leslie F. Goldstein
A Circumspect Look at Problem-Solving Courts, Richard C. Boldt
Book Review: The Iraq War and International Law, Maxwell O. Chibundu
International Human Rights and the International Law Project: The Revolving Door of Academic Discourse and Practitioner Politics, Maxwell O. Chibundu
Law's Expressive Value in Combating Cyber Gender Harassment, Danielle Keats Citron
Technological Due Process, Danielle Keats Citron
Pick Your Poison: Responses to the Marketing and Sale of Flavored Tobacco Products, Kathleen Hoke Dachille
International Law, Human Rights and the Transformative Occupation of Iraq, Peter G. Danchin
Whose Public? Which Law? Mapping the Internal/External Distinction in International Law, Peter G. Danchin
Who Is the "Human" in Human Rights? The Claims of Culture and Religion, Peter G. Danchin
Opening the Doors to the Local Courthouse: Maryland’s New Private Right of Action for Employment Discrimination, Deborah Thompson Eisenberg
For Both Love and Money: Viviana Zelizer's "The Purchase of Intimacy", Martha M. Ertman
An Experiment in Participation, Leigh S. Goodmark
Autonomy Feminism: An Anti-Essentialist Critique of Mandatory Interventions in Domestic Violence Cases, Leigh S. Goodmark
Going Underground: The Ethics of Advising a Battered Woman Fleeing an Abusive Relationship, Leigh S. Goodmark
Reframing Domestic Violence Law and Policy: An Anti-Essentialist Proposal, Leigh S. Goodmark
Foreword: Our Paradoxical Religion Clauses, Mark A. Graber
James Buchanan as Savior? Judicial Power, Political Fragmentation, and the Failed 1831 Repeal of Section 25, Mark A. Graber
Running Cars, Constitutions and Metaphors into the Ground, Mark A. Graber
Constitutional Faith and Dynamic Stability: Thoughts on Religion, Constitutions, and Transitions to Democracy, David C. Gray
Commentary [On Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress], Oscar S. Gray
State and Federal Emergency Powers, Michael Greenberger and Arianne Spaccarelli
How to Fix the Google Book Search Settlement, James Grimmelmann
Saving Facebook, James Grimmelmann
Saving Facebook: A Response to Professor Freiwald, James Grimmelmann
The Ethical Visions of Copyright Law, James Grimmelmann
The Google Book Search Settlement: Ends, Means, and the Future of Books, James Grimmelmann
Making Decisions About Our Animals' Health Care: Does It Matter Whether We Are Owners or Guardians?, Susan J. Hankin
Harper, James and Gray on Torts, 3rd edition, Fowler V. Harper, Fleming James, and Oscar S. Gray
Prosecuting Doctors for Trusting Patients, Deborah Hellman
Willfully Blind for Good Reason, Deborah Hellman
Research Stories: Video Tales from the Summer Associate Workplace, Susan Herrick
Teaching Legal Research Online, Susan Herrick and Sara Kelley Burriesci
Physicians Who Break the Law, Diane E. Hoffmann
Teaching Health Law- A Health Law Practice Workshop: Bridging Externship Placements and the Classroom, Diane E. Hoffmann
Fraud is Fun: or How a Foreclosure Rescue Scam Changed My Life, Peter A. Holland
Judicial Diversity, Sherrilyn A. Ifill
Woman of Valor, Sherrilyn A. Ifill
Privilege-Wise and Patent (and Trade-Secret)-Foolish?: How the Courts' Misapplication of the Military and State Secrets Privilege Violates the Constitution and Endangers National Security, Davida H. Isaacs and Robert M. Farley
Preventing Schools from Becoming the Pipeline to Prison, Susan P. Leviton and Justin A. Browne
Students Schooling Students: Gaining Professional Benefits While Helping Urban High School Students Achieve Success, Susan P. Leviton and Justin A. Browne
Marriage, Property and [In]Equality: Remedying ERISA's Disparate Impact on Spousal Wealth, Paula A. Monopoli
Electronic Contracting Cases 2008-2009, Juliet M. Moringiello and William L. Reynolds
The Hidden Human and Environmental Costs of Regulatory Delay, Catherine O'Neill, Amy Sinden, Rena I. Steinzor, James Goodwin, and Ling-Yee Huang
The Globalization of Environmental Law, Robert V. Percival
Environmental Regulation: Law, Science, and Policy, 6th edition, Robert V. Percival, Christopher H. Schroeder, Alan S. Miller, and James P. Leape
Regulatory Takings: A Chronicle of the Construction of a Constitutional Concept, Garrett Power
Violence on the Brain: A Critique of Neuroscience in Criminal Law, Amanda C. Pustilnik
60 Years of the Basic Law and its Interpretation: An American Perspective, Peter E. Quint
The Universal Declaration and South African Constitutional Law: A Response to Justice Arthur Chaskalson, Peter E. Quint
"Streamlining" the Rule of Law: How the Department of Justice is Undermining Judicial Review of Agency Action, Shruti Rana
Toward Procedural Optionality: Private Ordering of Public Adjudication, Robert J. Rhee
Recalibrating the Moral Compass: Expanding "Thinking Like a Lawyer" into "Thinking Like a Leader", Karen H. Rothenberg
Tributes to Professor Roger Wolf, Karen H. Rothenberg, Diane E. Hoffmann, Michael Millemann, and Rachel Wohl
Dr. King and the Battle for Hearts and Minds, Wendy B. Scott
Regulatory Dysfunction: How Insufficient Resources, Outdated Laws, and Political Interference Cripple the 'Protector Agencies', Sidney A. Shapiro, Rena I. Steinzor, and Matthew Shudtz
Dispute Resolution and the Post-divorce Family: Implications of a Paradigm Shift, Jana B. Singer
"This Page Intentionally Blank:" Writing the Next Chapter in the Future of the Federal Depository Library Program, Bill Sleeman
An Introduction to Social Choice, Maxwell L. Stearns
Public Choice Concepts and Applications in Law, Maxwell L. Stearns and Todd Zywicki
A Return to Common Sense: Protecting Health, Safety, and the Environment Through 'Pragmatic Regulatory Impact Analysis', Rena I. Steinzor, Amy Sinden, Sidney A. Shapiro, and James Goodwin
Copyright for a Social Species, Robert E. Suggs
In the Wake of Reinvigorated U.S. Supreme Court Activity in Patent Appeals, Lawrence M. Sung
Medical Device Patents, Lawrence M. Sung
The New Private Ordering of Intellectual Property, Lawrence M. Sung
Patent Law Handbook, Lawrence M. Sung and Jeff E. Schwartz
Brief for Amicus Curiae David A. Super: Supporting Plaintiff-Appellants Urging Reversal, in Howard v. Hawkins (2009)., David A. Super
Laboratories of Destitution: Democratic Experimentalsim and the Failure of Antipoverty Law, David A. Super
Constitutional Necessity and Presidential Prerogative: Does Presidential Discretion Undergird or Undermine the Constitution?, Michael P. Van Alstine
The Universal Declaration and Developments in the Enforcement of International Human Rights in Domestic Law, Michael P. Van Alstine
Book Review: Fresh Perspectives on the "War on Terror", Katherine Vaughns
Making Peace and Making Money: Economic Analysis of the Market for Mediators in Private Practice, Urska Velikonja
The Costs of Multiple Gestation Pregnancies in Assisted Reproduction, Urska Velikonja
Developing a New Model of Support and Empowerment to Families in Need: Overcoming Historic and Ethical Barriers to Interdisciplinary Practice, Deborah J. Weimer
Providing Interdisciplinary Services to At-Risk Families to Prevent the Placement of Children in Foster Care, Deborah J. Weimer
Commentary: Women’s Employment Rights in the Workplace of 2007 and 2027, Marley S. Weiss
Human Rights and the Global Economy: The Centrality of Economic and Social Rights, Marley S. Weiss
The Emergence of Global Environmental Law, Tseming Yang and Robert V. Percival
Books from 2008
Documentary Supplement to International Labor Law: Cases and Materials on Workers' Rights in the Global Economy, James Atleson, Lance Compa, Kelley Rittich, Calvin Sharpe, and Marley S. Weiss
International Labor Law: Cases and Materials on Workers' Rights in the Global Economy, James Atleson, Lance Compa, Kerry Rittich, Calvin Sharpe, and Marley S. Weiss