Submissions from 2011
Missing the Mark in the Chesapeake Bay: a Report Card for the Phase I Watershed Implementation Plans, William L. Andreen, Robert L. Glicksman, Rena I. Steinzor, Yee Huang, and Shana Campbell Jones
Funding Race as Biology: The Relevance of "Race" in Medical Research, Taunya L. Banks
Black Pluralism in Post Loving America, Taunya Lovell Banks
When Business Conduct Turns Violent: Bringing BP, Massey, and other Scofflaws to Justice, Jane F. Barrett
Championing PROJECT Search: The Role of the Library, Pamela Bluh
From Racial Discrimination to Separate But Equal: The Common Law Impact of the Thirteenth Amendment, David S. Bogen
Drug Policy in Context: Rhetoric and Practice in the United States and the United Kingdom, Richard C. Boldt
The Law School Firm, Bradley T. Borden and Robert J. Rhee
Misogynistic Cyber Hate Speech, Danielle Keats Citron
Intermediaries and Hate Speech: Fostering Digital Citizenship for our Information Age, Danielle Keats Citron and Helen L. Norton
Network Accountability for the Domestic Intelligence Apparatus, Danielle Keats Citron and Frank Pasquale
Clinical Professors' Professional Responsibility: Preparing Law Students to Embrace Pro Bono, Douglas L. Colbert
Prosecution without Representation, Douglas L. Colbert
My Brother's Keeper: An Empirical Study of Attorney Facilitation of Money-Laundering through Commercial Transactions, Lawton P. Cummings and Paul T. Stepnowsky
Islam in the Secular Nomos of the European Court of Human Rights, Peter G. Danchin
Lawyer-Client Privilege: Exceptions Swallowing the Principle?, Abraham Dash
Money, Sex, and Sunshine: A Market-Based Approach to Pay Discrimination, Deborah Thompson Eisenberg
Contemporary Approaches to Trusts and Estates, Susan N. Gary, Jerome Borison, Naomi R. Cahn, and Paula A. Monopoli
Climate Change and the Public Law Model of Torts: Reinvigorating Judicial Restraint Doctrines, Donald G. Gifford
The inherently distributive aspects of many bargaining interactions, Donald G. Gifford
The New Rules for Law Schools, Barbara S. Gontrum
Constitutional Democracy, Human Dignity, and Entrenched Evil, Mark A. Graber
Hollow Hopes and Exaggerated Fears: the Canon/Anticanon in Context, Mark A. Graber
Plus or Minus One: The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments, Mark A. Graber
Governance and Biosecurity: Strengthening Security and Oversight of the Nation's Biological Agent Laboratories, Michael Greenberger, Talley Kovacs, and Marita Mike
First-Class Objects, James Grimmelmann
Known and Unknown, Property and Contract: Comments on Hoofnagle and Moringiello, James Grimmelmann
The Elephantine Google Books Settlement, James Grimmelmann
Three Theories of Copyright in Ratings, James Grimmelmann
Bridging Gaps and Blurring Lines: Integrating Analysis, Writing, Doctrine, and Theory, Susan J. Hankin
Activist Distressed Debtholders: the New Barbarians at the Gate?, Michelle M. Harner
Mitigating Financial Risk for Small Business Entrepreneurs, Michelle M. Harner
The Search for an Unbiased Fiduciary in Corporate Reorganizations, Michelle M. Harner
The Value of "Thinking Like a Lawyer", Michelle M. Harner
Is Legal Scholarship Out of Touch? An Empirical Analysis of the Use of Scholarship in Business Law Cases, Michelle M. Harner and Jason A. Cantone
Committee Capture? An Empirical Analysis of the Role of Creditors' Committees in Business Reorganizations, Michelle M. Harner and Jamie Marincic
The Potential Value of Dynamic Tension in Restructuring Negotiations, Michelle M. Harner and Jamie Marincic
Behind Closed Doors: The Influence of Creditors in Business Reorganizations, Michelle M. Harner and Jamie Marincic
Money and Rights, Deborah Hellman
Money and Rights, Deborah Hellman
Money Talks But It Isn't Speech, Deborah Hellman
The Jurisprudence of Dignity, Leslie Meltzer Henry
Legal Impediments to the Diffusion of Telemedicine, Diane E. Hoffmann and Virginia Rowthorn
The One Hundred Billion Dollar Problem in Small Claims Court: Robo-Signing and Lack of Proof in Debt Buyer Cases, Peter A. Holland
Maryland Evidence Courtroom Manual, 2011 edition, Alan D. Hornstein, Glen Weissenberger, and Andrew D. Levy
The Anatomy of a Search: Intrusiveness and The Fourth Amendment, Renée McDonald Hutchins
Habeas Verité, Lee B. Kovarsky
Original Habeas Redux, Lee B. Kovarsky
Housing and Community Development: Cases and Materials, 4th edition, James A. Kushner, Charles E. Daye, Peter W. Salsich Jr., Henry W. McGee Jr., W. Dennis Keating, Barbara L. Bezdek, Otto J. Hetzel, Daniel R. Mandelker, and Robert M. Washburn
Beyond Experience: Getting Retributive Justice Right, Dan Markel, Chad Flanders, and David C. Gray
Opening the Industry Playbook: Myths and Truths in the Debate over BPA Regulation, Thomas McGarity, Rena I. Steinzor, Matthew Shudtz, and Lena Pons
The Imperative of Returning to the Fundamental Principles of the "Three Gongs" [Openness, Fairness, and Justice], Daniel J. Mitterhoff
William H. Sorrell, Attorney General of Vermont, et al. v. IMS Health Inc., et al. - Amicus Brief in Support of Petitioners, Kevin Outterson, David Orentlicher, Christopher T. Robertson, and Frank A. Pasquale
Unnatural Resource Law: Situating Desalination in Coastal Resource and Water Law Doctrines, Michael Pappas
Dominant Search Engines: An Essential Cultural & Political Facility, Frank Pasquale
Joining or changing the conversation? Catholic Social Thought and Intellectual Property, Frank Pasquale
Restoring Transparency to Automated Authority, Frank Pasquale
The Hippocratic Myth: Why doctors are under pressure to ration care, practice politics, and compromise their promise to heal, Frank Pasquale
China's "Green Leap Forward" Toward Global Environmental Leadership, Robert V. Percival
Environmental Law Goes Global: Taking Back Eden: Eight Environmental Cases That Changed the World, by Oliver A. Houck, Robert V. Percival
Global Law and the Environment, Robert V. Percival
Law, Society and the Environment, Robert V. Percival
Who's in Charge? Does the President Have Directive Authority Over Agency Regulatory Decisions?, Robert V. Percival
Resolving Conflicts Between Green Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Law, Robert V. Percival and Alan Miller
Environmental Law: Statutory & Case Supplement with Internet Guide, 2011-2012, Robert V. Percival and Christopher H. Schroeder
Constitutional Limitations on Land Use Controls, Environmental Regulations and Governmental Exactions (2011 edition), Garrett Power
A Return to Lüth, Peter E. Quint
Citizenship Under Fire: The Forging of the New Americans, Shruti Rana
Back to the Future in Law Schools, William L. Reynolds
On Legal Education and Reform: One View Formed from Diverse Perspectives, Robert J. Rhee
Ethical issues in Business and the Lawyer's Role, Robert J. Rhee, Carol Morgan, Tamar Frankel, and Mark Fagan
Eugenics, Genetics and Gender: Theatre and the Role of Women, Karen H. Rothenberg
Guardianship and Its Alternatives: a Handbook on Maryland Law, Virginia Rowthorn and Ellen A. Callegary
Twelve Crucial Health, Safety, and Environmental Regulations: Will the Obama Administration Finish in Time?, Amy Sinden, Rena I. Steinzor, Matthew Shudtz, James Goodwin, Yee Huang, and Lena Pons
Book Review: ALA E-Government Toolkit, Bill Sleeman
Librarian 2011: Using Basic Library Science Techniques to Manage Technology Requests, Jill A. Smith
Lessons from the North Sea: Should "Safety Cases" Come to America?, Rena I. Steinzor
The Truth About Regulation in America, Rena I. Steinzor
Too Big to Obey: Why BP Should Be Debarred, Rena I. Steinzor
Back to Basics: An Agenda for the Maryland General Assembly to Protect the Environment, Rena I. Steinzor and Lee Huang
Medical Alert: Alarming Challenges Facing Medical Technology Innovation, Lawrence M. Sung
Medical Device Patents, 2011 edition, Lawrence M. Sung
Patent Law Handbook, 2011-2012 edition, Lawrence M. Sung and Jeff E. Schwartz
Against Flexibility, David A. Super
The Rise and Fall of the Implied Warranty of Habitability, David A. Super
Where Do We Go from Padilla v. Kentucky? Thoughts on Implementation and Future Directions, Maureen A. Sweeney
Penalty and Proportionality in Deportation for Crimes, Maureen A. Sweeney and Hillary Scholten
Campaign Disclosure and Tax-Exempt Entities: A Quick Repair to the Regulatory Plumbing, Donald B. Tobin
Is Congress Politicizing the IRS and Its Enforcement Process?, Donald B. Tobin
Leverage, Sanctions, and Deterrence of Accounting Fraud, Urska Velikonja
Submissions from 2010
Community Recovery Lawyering: Hard-Learned Lessons From Post-Katrina Mississippi, Bonnie Allen, Barbara Bezdek, and John Jopling
Book Review: What Comes Naturally: Miscegenation Law and the Making of Race in America, Taunya L. Banks
Thurgood Marshall, The Race Man, and Gender Equality in the Courts, Taunya Lovell Banks
Twombly is the Logical Extension of the Mathews v. Eldridge Test to Discovery, Andrew Blair-Stanek
Community Voice and Justice: An Essay on Problem-Solving Courts as a Proxy for Change, Brenda Bratton Blom, Julie Galbo-Moyes, and Robin Jacobs
If the Shoe Fits: Institutional Repositories and Technical Services, Pamela Bluh
It's All in a Day's Work: Managing the Institutional Repository, Pamela Bluh
Confidentiality of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Treatment Information for Emergency Department and Trauma Center Patients, Richard C. Boldt