Submissions from 2014
Teaching LLCs Through a Problem-Based Approach, Michelle M. Harner and Robert J. Rhee
Laying the Foundation for an Interprofessional, Comparative Health Law Clinic, Diane Hoffmann, Chikosa Banda, and Kassim Amuli
Probiotics: Achieving a Better Regulatory Fit, Diane E. Hoffmann, Claire M. Fraser, Francis Palumbo, Jacques Ravel, Virginia Rowthorn, and Jack Schwartz
Debt-Buyer Lawsuits and Inaccurate Data, Peter A. Holland
Junk Justice: a Statistical Analysis of 4,400 Lawsuits Filed by Debt Buyers, Peter A. Holland
You Can't Handle the Truth! Trial Juries and Credibility, Renée M. Hutchins
Interview on The Black Box Society, Lawrence Joseph and Frank A. Pasquale
One Small Step for Legal Writing, One Giant Leap for Legal Education: Making the Case for More Writing Opportunities in the "Practice-Ready" Law School Curriculum, Sherri Lee Keene
Prisoners and Habeas Privileges Under the Fourteenth Amendment, Lee B. Kovarsky
The Status Gap: Female Faculty in the Legal Academy, Paula A. Monopoli
Anti-Waste, Michael Pappas
Energy Versus Property, Michael Pappas
Capital's Offense: Law's Entrenchment of Inequality, Frank A. Pasquale
IP Law Book Review: Configuring the Networked Self: Law, Code, and the Play of Every Day Practice, Frank A. Pasquale
Private Certifiers and Deputies in American Health Care, Frank A. Pasquale
Redescribing Health Privacy: The Importance of Health Policy, Frank A. Pasquale
The Hidden Costs of Health Care Cost-Cutting: Toward a Postneoliberal Health-Reform Agenda, Frank A. Pasquale
Promoting Innovation While Preventing Discrimination: Policy Goals for the Scored Society, Frank A. Pasquale and Danielle Keats Citron
Protecting Health Privacy in an Era of Big Data Processing and Cloud Computing, Frank A. Pasquale and Tara Adams Ragone
Presidential Power to Address Climate Change in an Era of Legislative Gridlock, Robert V. Percival
Risk, Uncertainty and Precaution: Lessons from the History of US Environmental Law, Robert V. Percival
The Role of Civil Society in Environmental Governance in the United States and China, Robert V. Percival and Zhao Huiyu
Global Environmental Law at a Crossroads: Introduction, Robert V. Percival, Jolene Lin, and William Piermattei
Finding Fault?: Exploring Legal Duties to Return Incidental Findings in Genomic Research, Elizabeth R. Pike, Karen H. Rothenberg, and Benjamin E. Berkman
Requiem for Regulation, Garrett Power
Painful Disparities, Painful Realities, Amanda C. Pustilnik
The Emergence of New Corporate Social Responsibility Regimes in China and India, Shruti Rana and Afra Afsharipour
The New Territorialism in the Not-So-New Frontier of Cyberspace, William L. Reynolds and Juliet M. Moringiello
Incentivizing Credit Rating Agencies under the Issuer Pay Model Through a Mandatory Compensation Competition, Robert J. Rhee
Setting the Stage: Enhancing Understanding of Bioethical Challenges with Theatre, Karen H. Rothenberg
All Together Now: Developing a Team Skills Competency Domain for Global Health Education, Virginia Rowthorn and Jody Olsen
Consequences for Cleanup: EPA Gets Serious about Weak Watershed Improvement Plans, Rena I. Steinzor and Anne Havemann
The 2013 IRS Crisis: Where Do We Go From Here?, Donald B. Tobin
The Internal Revenue Service and a Crisis of Confidence: A New Regulatory Approach for a New Era, Donald B. Tobin
Border Fixation: The Appearance of Security and Control in Immigration Reform, Katherine L. Vaughns
Submissions from 2013
Why Environmental Law Clinics?, Adam Babich and Jane F. Barrett
The Unfinished Journey - Education, Equality and Martin Luther King, Jr., Revisited, Taunya Lovell Banks
Citizen Engagement in the Shrinking City: Toward Development Justice in an Era of Growing Inequality, Barbara L. Bezdek
Tax in the Cathedral: Property Rules, Liability Rules, and Tax, Andrew Blair-Stanek
5 Tips for Success as a New Law Librarian, Stephanie Bowe
JustAdvice: Studying Law in Snapshots, Brenda Bratton Blom and Leigh Maddox
Coping with the America Invents Act: Patent Challenges for Startup Companies, Patricia E. Campbell
Library Services for the Self-Interested Law School: Enhancing the Visibility of Faculty Scholarship, Simon Canick
Reflections on the Cost of "Low-Cost" Whole Genome Sequencing: Framing the Health Policy Debate, Timothy Caulfield, Jim Evans, Amy McGuire, Christopher McCabe, Tania Bubela, Robert Cook-Deegan, Jennifer Fishman, Stuart Hogarth, Fiona A. Miller, Vardit Ravitsky, Barbara Biesecker, Pascal Borry, Mildred K. Cho, June C. Carroll, Holly Etchegary, Yann Joly, Kazuto Kato, Sandra Soo-Jim Lee, Karen H. Rothenberg, Pamela Sankar, Michael J. Szego, Pilar Ossorio, Daryl Pullman, Francois Rousseau, Wendy J. Ungar, and Brenda Wilson
Addressing the Harm of Total Surveillance: a Reply to Professor Neil Richards, Danielle Keats Citron and David C. Gray
The Curious Case of Transformative Dispute Resolution: An Unfortunate Marriage of Intransigence, Exclusivity, and Hype, Robert J. Condlin
The Politics of Religious Establishment: Recognition of Muslim Marriages in South Africa, Peter G. Danchin
Escaping the Sporhase Maze: Protecting State Waters within the Commerce Clause, Mark S. Davis and Michael Pappas
More Than a "Quick Glimpse of the Life": the Relationship Between Victim Impact Evidence and Death Sentencing, Jerome E. Deise and Raymond Paternoster
Regulation by Amicus: The Department of Labor's Policy Making in the Courts, Deborah Thompson Eisenberg
Stopped at the Starting Gate: the Overuse of Summary Judgment in Equal Pay Cases, Deborah Thompson Eisenberg
Alternative Dispute Resolution and Public Confidence in the Judiciary: Chief Judge Bell's "Culture of Conflict Resolution", Deborah Thompson Eisenberg, Rachel Wohl, and Toby Treem Guerin
Love and Contracts in Don Quixote, Martha M. Ertman
The Legacy of Jane Larson: The Politics of Practicality and Surprise, Martha M. Ertman
Environmental and Occupational Interventions for Primary Prevention of Cancer: a Cross-Sectorial Policy Framework, Carolina Espina, Miquel Porta, Joachim Schüz, Ildefonso Hernández Aguado, Robert V. Percival, Carlos Dora, Terry Slevin, Julietta Rodriguez Guzman, Tim Meredith, Philip J. Landrigan, and Maria Neira
The Death of the Common Law: Judicial Abdication and Contributory Negligence in Maryland, Donald G. Gifford
What's on First?: Organizing the Casebook and Molding the Mind, Donald G. Gifford, Joseph L. Kroart III, Brian Jones, and Cheryl Cortemeglia
The Supreme Court, CAFA, and Parens Patriae Actions: Will it be Principles or Biases?, Donald G. Gifford and William L. Reynolds
Transgender People, Intimate Partner Abuse, and the Legal System, Leigh S. Goodmark
The Coming Constitutional Yo-Yo? Elite Opinion, Polarization, and the Direction of Judicial Decision Making, Mark A. Graber
Constructing Constitutional Politics: the Reconstruction Strategy for Protecting Rights, Mark A. Graber
The Declaration of Independence as Canon Fodder, Mark A. Graber
A Spectacular Non Sequitur: The Supreme Court's Contemporary Fourth Amendment Exclusionary Rule Jurisprudence, David C. Gray
A Shattered Looking Glass: The Pitfalls and Potential of the Mosaic Theory of Fourth Amendment Privacy, David C. Gray and Danielle Keats Citron
The Right to Quantitative Privacy, David C. Gray and Danielle Keats Citron
Fighting Cybercrime After United States v. Jones, David C. Gray, Danielle Keats Citron, and Liz Clark Rinehart
In Defense of Specialized Theft Statutes, David C. Gray and Chelsea Jones
Closing Wall Street’s Commodity and Swaps Betting Parlors: Legal Remedies to Combat Needlessly Gambling Up the Price of Crude Oil Beyond What Market Fundamentals Dictate, Michael Greenberger
Diversifying Clearinghouse Ownership in Order to Safeguard Free and Open Access to the Derivatives Clearing Market, Michael Greenberger
Future Conduct and the Limits of Class-Action Settlements, James Grimmelmann
Has the Roberts Court Plurality's Colorblind Rhetoric Finally Broken Brown's Promise?, Phoebe A. Haddon
A More Realistic Approach to Directors' Duties, Michelle M. Harner
Corporate Culture and ERM, Michelle M. Harner
The Potential Cost and Value of ERM, Michelle M. Harner
Series LLCs: What Happens When One Series Fails? Key Considerations and Issues, Michelle M. Harner, Jennifer Ivey-Crickenberger, and Tae Kim
Moral Gridlock: Conceptual Barriers to No-Fault Compensation for Injured Research Subjects, Leslie Meltzer Henry
Revising the Common Rule: Prospects and Challenges, Leslie Meltzer Henry
Health Claim Regulation of Probiotics in the USA and the EU: Is There a Middle Way?, Diane E. Hoffmann
Are Changes to the Common Rule Necessary to Address Evolving Areas of Research? A Case Study Focusing on the Human Microbiome Project, Diane E. Hoffmann, J. Dennis Fortenberry, and Jacques Ravel
Probiotics: Finding the Right Regulatory Balance, Diane E. Hoffmann, Claire M. Fraser-Liggett, Frank B. Palumbo, Jacques Ravel, Karen H. Rothenberg, and Virginia Rowthorn
Stop Terry : Reasonable Suspicion, Race, and a Proposal to Limit Terry Stops, Renée M. Hutchins
A Constitutional Theory of Habeas Power, Lee B. Kovarsky
Waiting for Leviathan: A Note on Modern Wo'er Trading Co Ltd v Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China, Daniel J. Mitterhoff
From Lord Coke to Internet Privacy: The Past, Present, and Future of Electronic Contracting, Juliet M. Moringiello and William L. Reynolds
Legal History Seminar: Leading Maryland Cases, Edward C. Papenfuse and Garrett Power
Privacy, Antitrust, and Power, Frank Pasquale
Diagnosing Finance's Failures: From Economic Idealism to Legal Realism, Frank A. Pasquale
Paradoxes of Digital Antitrust, Frank A. Pasquale
The Future of HIPAA in the Cloud, Frank Pasquale and Tara Adams Ragone
Human Rights and the Evolution of Global Environmental Law, Robert V. Percival
Looking Backward, Looking Forward: The Next 40 Years of Environmental Law, Robert V. Percival
Criminal Records, Race and Redemption, Michael Pinard
Constitutional Limitations on Land Use Controls, Environmental Regulations and Governmental Exactions, 2013 edition, Garrett Power
Neurotechnologies at the Intersection of Criminal Procedure and Constitutional Law, Amanda C. Pustilnik
Teaching Amidst Transformation: Integrating Global Perspectives on the Financial Crisis into the Classroom, Shruti Rana
On Duopoly and Compensation Games in the Credit Rating Industry, Robert J. Rhee
Reflections on Team Production in Professional Schools and the Workplace, Robert J. Rhee