Content Posted in 2019
1-Click Energy: Managing Corporate Demand for Clean Power, Gina S. Warren
2018 Stuart Rome Lecture: Origins of and Potential Solutions to High Prescription Drug Prices in the U.S., Aaron S. Kesselheim
21st Century-Style Truth Decay: Deep Fakes and the Challenge for Privacy, Free Expression, and National Security, Robert Chesney and Danielle Keats Citron
Abortion-Related Disclosures and How the Maryland General Assembly Can Institute a Novel and Innovative Pregnancy Disclosure, Mary L. Scott
Abstract Innovation, Virtual Ideas, and Artificial Legal Thought, Andrew C. Michaels
Accommodating Capital and Policing Labor: Antitrust in the Two Gilded Ages, Sandeep Vaheesan
Across the Pond, Across the Academy, and Across Town: Bringing Together Communities and Universities Around Shared Goals, Virginia Rowthorn, Flavius R.W. Lilly, and Roger J. Ward
Addressing Automation in the Twenty-First Century, Kevin Redden
Alternative Dispute Resolution Landscape: An Overview of ADR in the Maryland Court System, Maryland Administrative Office of the Courts and Center for Dispute Resolution at the University of Maryland
Amending the Justice Reinvestment Act to Protect Victims of Domestic Violence, Margaret Strakna
An Analysis of the Maryland Court of Special Appeals ADR Division January 2012 Appellate Mediation Program National Questionnaire, Center for Dispute Resolution at University of Maryland
A New Role for Anchor Universities: Embracing a Rhetoric of Reconciliation, Flavius R.W. Lilly
An Overview and Comparison of Aviation and Space Insurance, Jeanne Suchodolski
A Recent Patent Class on the Scope of IPR Estoppel at the PTAB, Joshua C. Harrison
Automated License Plate Readers: The Difficult Balance of Solving Crime and Protecting Individual Privacy, Lauren Fash
A Wilderness Is a Friend or Foe?, Vidhya V. Iyer
Balancing Privacy and Proof: Discovery of Nonparty Medical Records, Rachel E. Brown
Bmore Green, Dan Baker, Cymoine Gosnell, Stephanie Malchine, and Jarred Miles
Bringing Candor to Charitable Solicitations, David Adam Friedman
Business Law Bulletin, Spring 2019
Can Bad Law Do Good? A Retrospective on Conflict Minerals Regulation, Karen E. Woody
Cell Phones and the Border Search Exception: Circuits Split over the Line Between Sovereignty and Privacy, Gina R. Bohannon
Class v. United States: An Imperfect Application of the Menna-Blackledge Doctrine to Post-Guilty Plea Constitutional Claims, Nikolaus Albright
Climate Change in Africa, Emily Schenning
Collective Rights and the Fourth Amendment After Carpenter, David Gray
Conflicts of Interest in Medicine: Should We Contract, Conserve, or Expand the Traditional Definition and Scope of Regulation?, Marc A. Rodwin
Contradictory Origins and Racializing Legacy of the 1968 Bilingual Education Act: Urban Schooling, Anti-Blackness, and Oakland’s 1996 Black English Language Education Policy, Kenzo K. Sung and Ayana Allen-Handy
CRT and Immigration: Settler Colonialism, Foreign Indigeneity, and the Education of Racial Perception, Josué López
Cultivating Peaceful Relations Where Difference Matters, Mike Hardy and Harris Beider
Data-Informed Duties in AI Development, Frank A. Pasquale
“Don’t Confuse Me with the Facts”: The Use and Misuse of Social Science on the United States Supreme Court, William D. Blake
Drawing Trump Naked: Curbing the Right of Publicity to Protect Public Discourse, Thomas E. Kadri
Education Law and Policy at the Margins: Critical Analyses of the Intersection of Race, Religion, Gender & Class in Education (An Introduction), Timberly L. Baker and Steven L. Nelson
Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis: Singled Out by Corporations and a Textualist Supreme Court, American Workers Are Left to Fend for Themselves, Grace O'Malley
Final Report and Collaborative Action Plan, Maryland Commission on the School-to-Prison Pipeline and Restorative Practices
Foreword: Technological Change, Constitutional Flexibility, and Regime Stability, Mark A. Graber
From Hanging Chads to Data Hacks: Maintaining Election Integrity in the Digital Age, Paige Reinauer
“How Could Anyone ‘Roast’ Jana?”: A Tribute to My Colleague Jana Singer, Donald G. Gifford
Interpreting Emoluments Today: The Framers’ Intent and the “Present” Problem, Bianca Spinosa
Juggling Act, Chris Quirk
Katrina's Animal Legacy: The PETS Act, Marita Mike, Rebecca Mike, and Clark J. Lee
Law-Based Arguments and Messages to Advocate for Later School Start Time Policies in the United States, Clark J. Lee, Dennis M. Nolan, Steven W. Lockley, and Brent Pattison
Law & Health Care Newsletter, Fall 2019
Law & Health Care Newsletter, Spring 2019
Legislative Design and the Controllable Costs of Special Legislation, Evan C. Zoldan
Limited Choices: How the School-Choice Paradigm Subverts Equal Education for Students with Disabilities, Amanda S. Sen
Local Assets: Leveraging Student Diversity in Local and Global Community Engagement, Amy B. Ramirez
Maryland Makes New Evidence Postconviction Review Provisions Available to Defendants with Plea Deals, Felicia Langel
Mid-Atlantic Ethics Committee Newsletter, Summer 2019
Mid-Atlantic Ethics Committee Newsletter, Winter 2019
Mobile Privacy and Business-to-Platform Dependencies: An Analysis of SEC Disclosures, Ronan Ó. Fathaigh, Joris van Hoboken, and Nico van Eijk
Murphy v. Nat’l Collegiate Athletic Ass’n: The Court Legalizes Sports Gambling, but Constitutional Questions Remain, Joseph Stiers
Nativism in Immigration: The Racial Politics of Educational Sanctuaries, David Hòa Khoa Nguyễn
Navigating 21st Century Tax Jurisdiction, Hayes R. Holderness
Online Terms as In Terrorem Devices, Colin P. Marks
“Only the Beginning, Only Just the Start . . . Mostly I’m Silent”: New Constitutional Challenges with Data Collection Devices Brought into the Home, Carol Nackenoff
Passing the Ball: The United States Supreme Court Strikes Down PASPA and Throws Sports Gambling Back to State Legislatures, Hunter M. Haines
Peeling Back the Onion of Cyber Espionage after Tallinn 2.0, David A. Wallace, Amy H. McCarthy, and Mark Visger
Perkins Homes Redevelopment Environmental Impact, Anne Brenner
Platform Advocacy and the Threat to Deliberative Democracy, Abbey Stemler
Protecting First Amendment Rights in the Fight Against Disinformation: Lessons Learned from FISA, Jill I. Goldenziel and Manal Cheema
Queering the Landscape: Decriminalizing Consent and Remapping the Permissible Geographies of Intimacy, Emily Yost
Raising the Bar: Law Clerks Pay Tribute to Judge Adkins, Monica Basche and Michael Collins Jr.
Rationing Justice in the 21st Century: Technocracy and Technology in the Access to Justice Movement, Rebecca Kunkel
Rebuild, Overcome, and Rise, Laura Lee
Regulating Offshore Finance, William J. Moon
Report on the 2016 Rent Court ADR Pilot for the District Court of Maryland in Baltimore City, Center for Dispute Resolution at the University of Maryland Baltimore
Rescuing Maryland Tort Law: A Tribute to Judge Sally Adkins, Donald G. Gifford
Rescuing Maryland Tort Law: A Tribute to Judge Sally Adkins, Donald G. Gifford
Respect the Hustle: Necessity Entrepreneurship, Returning Citizens, and Social Enterprise Strategies, Priya Baskaran
Sandoz Inc. v. Amgen Inc.: Removing Barriers to Market Access for Biosimilar Manufacturers, Moyosore O. Koya
Serious Side Effects May Occur: The Painful Symptoms of Evolving Tort Liability, William H.T. Rice
Sex, Lies, and Videotape: Deep Fakes and Free Speech Delusions, Mary Anne Franks and Ari Ezra Waldman
Singapore: A Story Unfolding, Thomas J. Bellows
Six Horsemen of Irresponsibility, Frank Pasquale
Sleep: A Human Rights Issue, Clark J. Lee
Social Innovation Microgrants as Catalysts to Community Development in Economically Marginalized Urban Communities, Jennifer Owens, Alexander Riehm, and Flavius R.W. Lilly
State and Federal Policy Solutions to Rising Prescription Drug Prices in the U.S., William V. Padula
State v. Copes: Surveillance Technology and the Limits of the Good Faith Exception to Fourth Amendment Violations, Elise Desiderio
Still Standing, Barely: Bank of America Corp. v. City of Miami and the Impact on Fair Lending Litigation, Trevor C, Hoffberger
Tax Havens as Producers of Corporate Law, William J. Moon
Tearing Down the Wall: How Transfer-on-Death Real-Estate Deeds Challenge the Inter Vivos/Testamentary Divide, Danaya C. Wright and Stephanie L. Emrick
Technological Change, Voting Rights, and Strict Scrutiny, Henry L. Chambers Jr.
Technologies of Travel, “Birth Tourism,” and Birthright Citizenship, Leslie F. Goldstein
The 340B Program: A Federal Program in Desperate Need of Revision After Two-And-A-Half Decades of Uncertainty, Nicholas C. Fisher
The Dynamism of Treaties, Yanbai Andrea Wang
The Effect of Hurst v. Florida on Judicial Override in Alabama, Carolyn Schorr
The Error Theory of Contract, Matthew A. Seligman
The Financial Banking Institute Act and the Financial CHOICE Act: The Wrong Choice for the American Economy, Kirby McMahon
The First and the Only, Michele Wojciechowski
The Ideal Collaborative Partner: A Tribute to Jana Singer, Jane C. Murphy
The Impact of Climate Change on Maryland Agriculture, Madeline Spencer, Kyla Kaplan, Alison Venable, and Abigail Trumpy
The Perils of Philanthrocapitalism, Eric Franklin Amarante
The Robot Koseki: A Japanese Law Model for Regulating Autonomous Machines, Colin P.A. Jones
The Shortcomings of Title VII for the Black Female Plaintiff, Yvette N.A. Pappoe
The Status Gap: Female Faculty in the Legal Academy, Paula A. Monopoli
The Underrepresentation of CLD Students in Gifted and Talented Programs: Implications for Law and Practice, Chelsea E. Connery, Preston C. Green III, and James C. Kaufman
The Upside of Deep Fakes, Jessica Silbey and Woodrow Hartzog
Tribal Sovereign Authority and Self-Regulation of Health Care Services: The Legal Framework and the Swinomish Tribe’s Dental Health Program, Geoffrey D. Strommer, Starla K. Roels, and Caroline P. Mayhew
Tribute to Jana B. Singer, Karen H. Rothenberg
Unclaiming and Reblaming: Medicaid Work Requirements and the Transformation of Health Care Access for the Working Poor, Julie Novkov
What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been for the 3.8% Net Investment Income Tax, Ausher M.B. Kofsky and Bryan P. Schmutz
What's the Big Hurry? The Urgency of Data Breach Notification, Ellen Cornelius
When “Class” Explanations Don’t Cut It: Specters of Race, Housing Instability, and Education Policy, Ann M. Aviles and David O. Stovall
When the Spirit Says Dance: A Queer of Color Critique of Black Justice Discourse in Anti-Transgender Policy Rhetoric, Antron D. Mahoney and Heather Brydie Harris