Event Title

Panel 2: Muslims in a Secular State: Islamic Law and Constitutions

Start Date

5-11-2010 11:00 AM

End Date

5-11-2010 12:00 PM


Does Islamic law conflict with secular constitutions? Or do the two have more in common than we think? This panel will shed some light on where Islamic law stands in relation to secular legal systems such as in Europe, Canada, and even the United States. Can Islamic law coexist with secular constitutions, and should it? How does Islamic law implemented in a secular state differ from Islamic law practiced in a state with an Islamic constitution?

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Nov 5th, 11:00 AM Nov 5th, 12:00 PM

Panel 2: Muslims in a Secular State: Islamic Law and Constitutions

Does Islamic law conflict with secular constitutions? Or do the two have more in common than we think? This panel will shed some light on where Islamic law stands in relation to secular legal systems such as in Europe, Canada, and even the United States. Can Islamic law coexist with secular constitutions, and should it? How does Islamic law implemented in a secular state differ from Islamic law practiced in a state with an Islamic constitution?