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immigration policy, Mexico, border enforcement, border control


Published posthumously under the title Fixation: An Obsessive or Unhealthy Preoccupation or Attachment.


Immigration reform is the subject of intense discussion among politicians, policy experts, analysts, and advocacy groups alike; America’s never-ending debate which today has been infected with shameless demagoguery, rendering sound policy choices virtually impossible. And in this political cauldron, the appearance of border security and control through symbolism and political rhetoric substitute for the practical realities that are essential to inform policymakers about the appropriate administration and enforcement of U.S. immigration laws. For Congress has had an ongoing, unsound focus on sealing the border it shares with Mexico, its southwestern neighbor, seemingly without regard to costs especially in the post-9/11 era. And failing to appreciate the interconnectedness of enhanced border control along with regularization of the undocumented population residing in this country as well as providing for future immigration of foreign workers—will potentially doom any prospects for sensible and sane immigration reform policy choices. Thus, failure to consider the beneficial aspects of according fair and humane treatment to those living and working in this country without lawful documentation would be most unfortunate and, arguably, inconsistent with this country’s economic wellbeing, democratic values and notions of fairness. The present course of enforcement is unacceptable; it is inhumane. Finally, the current situation is one in which Congress is complicit in undermining the rule of law; and continuing to ignore this reality will have consequences adverse to national interests across the board.

Publication Citation

27 Journal of Civil Rights & Economic Development 587 (2014).


Civil Rights and Discrimination | Immigration Law
