Content Posted in 2025
“Aftermath Records”: Former Presidents’ Confidentiality Interests Over White House Records, Daniel Epstein
A Surprising Reason the Reverse-Payment Caselaw Has Not Developed, Michael A. Carrier
Auctor Ex Machina: Artificial Intelligence and Authorship in Zarya of the Dawn, Julianna Simpson
Cheers For Fourth Circuit Chief Judge Roger Gregory, Carl Tobias
Crowdsourcing Surveillance, Chaz Arnett
Don't Dance Around It: Ending the Texas Two-Step Hoedown through the Old Sheriff in Town - The Law of Fraudulent Transfers, Howard Silverman
High Hopes: Legal and Ethical Issues with Post-Trial Access to Psychedelic Drugs, Callie Terris and Emma Tumilty
Lethal Injection Secrecy Laws: A Cruel and Unusual Solution for the Preservation of Capital Punishment, Sami Semiatin
Preserving State Police Powers: Why the Supreme Court’s National Pork Producers Council v. Ross Decision Is Correct, Anna Kate Cagle
Reproductive Care — “Right” Here and “Wrong” There, Sonia Suter
Scènes à Faire: Archetype, Innovation, and the Philosophy of Trust, Marc LeVan
The Advent of the AI Negotiator: Negotiation Dynamics in the Age of Smart Algorithms,, Horst Eidenmüller