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Publication Date



institutional repository


This presentation was given at the meeting of the Southeastern Chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries (SEAALL) in Athens, Georgia, April 17, 2009. The powerpoint contains two video snippets. In order for the snippets to play users should download the presentation as well as the two supplemental files to the desktop.


The institutional repository at the University of Maryland School of Law has evolved far beyond its original purpose to provide a permanent, digital archive of faculty publications. This presentation describes other collections that are part of the repository and outlines additional plans for future enhancements to the repository.

Citron.wmv (638 kB)
Snippet from You Tube

Environmental Clip.wmv (2833 kB)
Snippet from Oh Shenandoah

seaall presentation.pdf (36 kB)
Text of the presentation

SEAALL Just Pamela.mp3 (25623 kB)
SEAALL Presentation Audio
